• A Natural Approach to Health, Healing & Growth

    Intuitive Bodywork

    Massage Therapy

    337 Bridge Street

    New Cumberland, PA 17070

    Phone: 717-884-9568

    Email: alan@intuitivebodywork.org

    Main Website: www.IntuitiveBodywork.org


    Expanded Menu of Services

  • Massage Therapy + Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)


    Intuitive Bodywork's Signature Massage Therapy Service

    Available In 45, 75, and 105 Minute Appointments 

    With Options For CBD Massage Cream, Aromatherapy, or Lymphatic Breast Massage
    Woman with low back pain

    Massage Therapy Is One Of The Best Ways To Fully Relax, Manage Stress, Relieve Anxiety And Manage Depression.


    Massage Therapy Is The Practice Of Manipulating A Person's Muscles And Other Soft-Tissue In Order To Improve Their Wellbeing Or Health. It Is A Form Of Manual Therapy That Includes Holding, Moving, And Applying Pressure To The Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments, And Fascia.


    Massage Has A Positive Impact

    On Every Body System

    1. The Skeletal System - Bone is affected indirectly by massage. Improved circulation of blood brings oxygen and nutrients to the bones. Joint stiffness and pain can be reduced. As the muscles become more flexible, joint movement increases.
    2. The Nervous System - Massage can provide relief from nervous irritability and stress-related conditions such as insomnia and tension headaches. When used energetically to stimulate, massage may relieve lethargy and fatigue.
    3. The Circulatory System
      Massage can improve the flow of blood, which can help poor circulation. This is especially useful for anyone who is immobile.
    4. The Lymphatic System - Gentle massage stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps clear the body of a build-up of waste products. The relaxing effect of the massage can relieve stress, which in turn can boost the immune system.
    5. The Respiratory System - As you become more relaxed during a massage, respiration may become slower and deeper as you are using your diaphragm for breathing and expending less energy. Percussive movements over the base of the lungs can help to relieve chest congestion.
    6. The Muscular System - Some massage movements relax and stretch muscles, reducing muscular tension and cramp. Massage also makes muscles more flexible by reducing muscle tone. Muscles tired by exercise are more quickly restored by massage than by rest.
    7. The Digestive System - Massage aids relaxation and therefore can help to increase the movement of food and waste products through the digestive system. This relaxation can have a balancing effect on the digestive system.
    8. The Urinary System - Waste products that have been released during massage find their way via the blood to the kidneys where they may be filtered out and eliminated.
    9. The Female Reproductive System - Menstrual problems such as period pains and PMS can be alleviated by the relaxing effects of massage, as can menopausal symptoms.
    Woman with low and upper back  pain

     Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) Is A Powerful Method For Managing And Releasing Acute And Chronic Pain.


    Neuromuscular Therapy Is A Very Specific, Targeted Method Of Examination And Treatment Of The Soft Tissues Of The Body.


    Neuromuscular Therapists examine and treat muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia:

    • layer by layer,

    • from superficial to deep,

    • on all possible sides and in all possible directions,

    with the intent of releasing trigger points* and hypertonicity, thereby allowing the body to heal on Its own and eliminating the causes of most muscular pain.


    Neuromuscular Therapy Is Based On Six Physiological Factors that May Cause or Intensify Pain In The Body.

    1. Ischemia is a lack of blood supply to the soft tissues, resulting in a lack of oxygen & nutrition to cells and an accumulation of waste products Ischemic tissues are sensitive to touch or locally painful.

    2. * Trigger Points occur when nerves fire impulses at a rapid speed into an area of the body other than that which has been traumatized. Because of trigger points, the cause of serious pain may often be far from the actual site of the pain. This, in turn, inhibits proper blood flow, which causes ischemia and often leads to more pain and discomfort.
    1. Nerve Compression or Nerve Entrapment: Compression is pressure on a nerve by bone, cartilage, or soft tissue. The role of the soft tissues in nerve compression is vital. Failure to treat the associated soft tissue often treats the symptom without eliminating the cause of the pain.
    2. Postural Distortion occurs when there is an imbalance of the musculoskeletal system resulting from the movement of the body off its normal planes. When the body tries to compensate in an effort to maintain structural balance, muscle contraction, body distortion, and pain result.
    3. Nutritional Considerations are important in the treatment of pain as certain nutrients are stimulating to the nervous system and may play a role in chronic pain.
    4. Emotional Wellness/Stress Management - There is a link between our mental health/stress levels and chronic physical pain.
    The Neuromuscular Therapist attempts to evaluate all six factors in determining the treatment plan that is most beneficial to the client.
    Intuitive Bodywork Therapist Alan Jordan is a Certified Neuromusclar Therapist and a Certified Neuromuscular Therapy Instructor through the NMT Center, St. Petersburg, FL. He has practiced and taught Neuromuscular Therapy in clinics, massage therapy schools and seminar series since 1992.
    Woman Getting A Back Massage

    Massage Therapy + Neuromuscular Therapy

    Intuitive Bodywork's

    Signature Service

    Intuitive Bodywork's Approach Combines Massage Therapy And Neuromuscular Therapy For Powerful, Long-Lasting Results!


    Mental & Emotional Benefits Of Massage Therapy + NMT

    • Massage Enhances Mood

    • Helps To Manage The Negative Effects Of Stress and Stress-Related Disorders

    • Helps To Manage Anxiety and Depression

    • Massage Promotes Healthy Sleep

    • Massage Boosts Alertness & Brain Power


    Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy + NMT

    Massage Positively Intervenes With Many Physical and Medical Conditions And Can Be An Effective Therapeutic Modality For:

    • Headaches & Migraines

    • Improving Immune Function

    • Fast And Long-Lasting Relief From Back, Neck, Shoulder, Low Back, Abdominal & Hip Pain.

    • Sciatica

    • Arthritis

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Myofascial Pain Syndrome

    • Piriformis Syndrome

    • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    • Temperomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)

    • Rotator Cuff Injuries

    • Range of Motion & Joint Flexibility

    • Better Posture

    The Benefits of

    Frequent Massage

    Massage therapy helps to relieve pain, manage stress, enhance wellness and positively affect medical conditions. Now research tells us those benefits increase significantly with regular frequent massage visits. A new Emory University study conducted at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center shows there are sustained, cumulative beneficial effects of repeated massage therapy.


    The Emory study is part of a growing body of research that shows a link between many forms of touch—from massage to hand-holding—and improved health. Dr. Tiffany Field, Director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine believes massage to be in the same category with proper diet and exercise as something that helps maintain overall health.


    Dr. James Dillard of Columbia University states, "Like exercise, massage does more for you if you engage in it regularly... even a monthly treatment can help maintain general health."

  • Combining Massage Therapy & Neuromuscular Therapy

    Ancient Healing Art Meets Modern Science For Pain Relief & Wellness Care That Works!

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    Massage Therapy: Ancient Body Wisdom Meets Modern Scientific Methodologies

    Massage is one of the oldest natural healing arts. Chinese records dating back over 3,000 years document its use; the ancient Hindus, Persians, and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments. Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems.


    Today, Massage Therapy integrates traditional healing approaches with modern scientific methodologies designed to enhance body function, aid the healing process, decrease muscle reflex activity, inhibit motor-neuron excitability and promote relaxation and well-being.


    Massage Therapists manipulate superficial and deep muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints, and other connective tissues, as well as lymphatic vessels and body organs including the gastrointestinal and reproductive organs. (i.e. In treating constipation, fertility, breast health, etc.)

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    Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT): An Answer To Pain



    With roots in both traditional and alternative medicine, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) first appeared in Europe in the 1930s. From its origins in Ayurvedic, Osteopathic, and Chiropractic medicine, NMT has been refined and advanced by modern health professionals in both Europe and the United States including Boris Chaitow, ND, DC, Janet Travell, MD & David Simons, MD, Raymond Nimmo, DC, Paul St. Johns, LMT, Judith Walker, LMT, and others.


    Today, NMT is widely used for the treatment of myofascial pain and better health in physical therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic, osteopathic, and physical medicine clinics throughout the world.


    NMT relieves pain and returns injured tissues to normal function, naturally bringing the body back into alignment. It can provide long-term pain relief where other approaches have failed.

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    45, 75 and 105 Minute Appointments Available

  • Trauma Bodywork

    Safe, Nurturing, Healing Touch For The Body, Mind & Spirit

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    Waking the Tiger author Peter Levine explains that both humans and animals can become frozen* when confronted with a real or perceived life-threatening or overwhelming experience. As the traumatic experience resolves, animals disperse the "stress-energy"** of the event by physically "shaking it off"*** after the freezing and then go on about their life. Humans, on the other hand, often internalize and remain frozen or stuck in the trauma. The stress-energy is no longer needed for fight-or-flight but remains stuck in the body after the trauma is resolved.


     The Body Can Hold On To Memories of Trauma


    If those traumatic memories are not released in a timely manner they can turn into psychological disorders**** or physical problems, such as neck or back pain. Indeed, chronic pain is common among people diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. There is good news, however, as demonstrated by our animal friends! According to Levine, "psychological wounds are reversible and that healing comes when the physical and mental letting go occurs." It is possible to release those frozen body memories, thereby restoring free movement, letting go of pain, and allowing for a return to the joy of living.


    * stunned, disoriented, or unable to integrate distressing information. "deer in the headlights." emotional shock
    ** energy that has built up in the body due to a dangerous or overwhelming event system that is no longer needed
    *** involuntary movements like shaking, trembling, and deep breaths – animals do not hold the physical tension in their body.
    ***e.g. acute stress disorder, panic disorders, anxiety, dissociation, post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), etc.
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    Traumatic Experiences Leave An Imprint In The Body. Trauma Energy

    Becomes Stuck & Suppressed In The Cellular Memory,

    Limiting Our Ability To Live Freely And Joyfully.


    What Is Trauma?

    Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape, or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer-term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea. While these feelings are normal, some people have difficulty moving on with their lives.


    Source: Recovering emotionally from disaster, American Psychological Association

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    Trauma Bodywork Releases Energy Associated With Stress & Trauma, Relieving The Pain And Renewing The Spirit! With The Releasing Of Trauma And Pain, We Can More Fully Embrace Life In The Present, And Experience The Love And Beauty Of Living In The Moment.

    Trauma Bodywork Offers Exceptional Support For Those Seeking Healing Related To:

    • Mental, Physical, or Emotional Trauma

    • Anxiety & Depression

    • Eating Disorders

    • Abuse

    • Negative Body Image

    • Low Self Esteem

    • Drug, Alcohol, Gambling, Sex And Other Addictions

    • Grief & Loss

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    A Trauma Story Becomes One Of Survival And Growth, Allowing

    Physiological And Emotional Balance And Greater Resilience.

    Trauma Bodywork uses gentle, nurturing touch, holding, energy bodywork, and other modalities with the intent to assist in the healing of physical, mental, or emotional trauma. In the comfort and safety of the massage treatment room and the use of safe, skillful touch, there can be a letting go of the pain and trauma of the past.


    Trauma Bodywork Integrates Healing Intent and Therapeutic Communications With Various Massage Therapy and Bodywork Techniques Including:

    • Integrative Massage Therapy*

    • Energy Work/Reiki/Chakra Balancing

    • Myofascial Release

    • Safe, Gentle Touch & Holding

    • Positional Release

    • Therapeutic Communication

    • Stretching & Movement

    • Healing Intent


    * "Integrated massage, also known as eclectic massage, is a therapeutic method that combines the principles of massage and bodywork. Like other somatic disciplines, it incorporates physical, emotional, and spiritual elements. In other words, it supports a holistic mind-body approach to wellness rather than drawing on either a physiological or environmental viewpoint." - -Karyn Maier via wisegeek
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    Trauma Bodywork

  • Trauma Resources

    Sad Woman Sitting In Field Of Lavender

    Signs Of Depression

    • Persistent Low Mood

    • Loss of interest or pleasure in things you once enjoyed

    • Feelings of guilt, hopelessness, or worthlessness

    • Loss of sex drive

    • Decreased energy, fatigue, or feeling slowed down

    • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions

    • Trouble Sleeping

    • Changes to appetite or weight

    • Restlessness or irritability

    • Suicidal thoughts or attempts


    Take a Depression Screening Quiz

    Troubled Woman With Hand Over Mouth

    Signs Of Anxiety

    • Feeling nervous, restless, or tense

    • Having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom

    • Having an increased heart rate

    • Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)

    • Sweating

    • Trembling

    • Feeling weak or tired

    • Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry

    • Having trouble sleeping

    • Experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) problems

    • Having difficulty controlling worry

    • Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety

    Take an Anxiety Screening Quiz

    Girl With Low Self Esteem Surrounded By Demeaning Words & Phrases

    Signs Of Low Self Esteem

    • You lack self-trust
    • You are constantly comparing yourself to others
    • You engage in people-pleasing behavior
    • You feel little control over your life
    • You don't reinforce your boundaries




    Take A Self-Esteem Test Now

    Girl With Poor Body Image Looking at Self in Mirror

    Signs Of Poor Body Image

    • You are preoccupied and dissatisfied with your body. 
    • Feelings of body shame, anxiety, and self-consciousness
    • You frequently compare your body to others 
    • Depression, isolation, low self-esteem
    • You engage In unhealthy behaviors to change your weight or shape - e.g. skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting, taking laxatives


    Take A Body Image Quiz Now

    Stressed Woman With Hand On Head

    Signs Of Excessive Stress

    Physical Effects Of Stress

    • Aches and pains.

    • Chest pain or a feeling like your heart is racing.

    • Exhaustion or trouble sleeping.

    • Headaches, dizziness, or shaking.

    • High blood pressure.

    • Muscle tension or jaw clenching.

    • Stomach or digestive problems.

    • Trouble having sex.

    • Weak immune system.

    Mental Effects Of Stress

    • Anxiety or irritability.
    • Depression.
    • Panic attacks.
    • Sadness.

    Often, people with chronic stress try to manage it with unhealthy behaviors, including:

    • Drinking alcohol too much or too often.
    • Gambling.
    • Overeating or developing an eating disorder.
    • Participating compulsively in sex, shopping, or internet browsing.
    • Smoking.
    • Using drugs
    Source - Cleveland Clinic

    How Stressed Are You?


    Take This Quiz

    And Find Out Now


    Depressed Woman Sitting On Steps

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


    Click Here To Learn

    More About PTSD

    PTSD Signs and Symptoms

    Main PTSD Symptoms

    • Reliving traumatic or stressful experiences through flashbacks, intrusive memories, or nightmares
    • Overwhelming emotions with the flashbacks, memories, or nightmares
    • Not being able to feel emotions or feeling “numb”
    • Dissociation: Disconnecting from yourself or other people
    • Avoidance. This could mean that you try to distract yourself from thinking about the trauma. Or you avoid people and situations that remind you of the trauma.'

    Other Associated Symptoms

    • Negative mood and thinking.
    • Difficulty controlling your emotions.
    • Feelings of anger, irritability, panic, and constant anxiety.
    • Finding it hard to feel pleasure.
    • A heavy sense of guilt or shame.
    • Negative self-perception such as feeling diminished, worthless, or defeated.
    • Problems relating to others.
    • Problems in relationships and feeling detached from people.
    • Problems with sleeping and concentrating, because of being in a state of hyperarousal.
    • Being easily scared or startled.
    • Self-destructive behavior such as fast driving or drinking too much alcohol.
    • A constant feeling of the current threat. This is called hypervigilance. It is the feeling of being constantly alert or being overly sensitive to things such as smell and noise

    Take A PTSD Exam Now

  • Call 717-884-9568 or Use The Link Below To Book Now!

    Distressed Woman Making A Phone Call
    • Release the root of trauma from your mind, body, and spirit
    • Know, speak, and live your inner truth
    • Allow your inner wisdom to guide you
    • Envision, design, and live your dream life
    • Know, speak, and live your inner truth
  • Energy Work/ Reiki/ Chakra Balancing

    Gentle, Meditative Healing Touch for Grounding, Restoring Balance,

    Being In The Moment, Deep Relaxation and Stress Relief.

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    Energy Work uses gentle, meditative touch, holding, and subtle movements to convey healing and restore balance to the body. The Energy Work therapist seeks to channel positive, healing universal life-force energy to the receiver and works to balance subtle energy patterns in the body. As a result, the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum mental, emotional, and physical health. Energy Work is accomplished through a simple laying-on of hands and is facilitated in a meditative state of care and healing. The therapist becomes a conduit of universal healing energy to the client, sensing, assessing, and reacting to the movement, flow, and release of energies in the client.

    Using Energy Work, The Therapist Seeks To:

    • Bring Awareness Of The Body's Subtle Energy Systems.
    • Balance the Chakras and Restore Harmony to the Body, Mind & Spirit
    • Convey Nurturing, Universal Healing Energy to the Person
    • Facilitate the Release of Stuck or Negative Energies that May Contribute to Physical, Emotional, Mental or Spiritual Distress.
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    People Experience Energy Work In Different Ways

    • A feeling of inner quiet, peace, and relaxation

    • A feeling of lightness or heaviness as you relax deeply

    • Sensations of heat, coolness, or tingling as energy moves and balances

    • You may see colors, have imagery, receive insights

    • A release of stress and anxiety

    • Lessening of symptoms of stress, pain

    • An increase of sensations as increased energy flows through the body

    • A sense of peace and overall well-being

  • The Chakra System

    The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word Cakra, meaning wheel or circle. In Hindu

    and other belief systems, a chakra is a wheel-like spinning vortex that whirls in a circular motion

    and is a center of life force or "vital" energy in the body. The concept of Chakras is essential

    to Yoga theory and many healing modalities.

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    Seven main chakras occur along the midline of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra corresponds to and influences various aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual being. When chakras are blocked or are flowing too freely, an energetic imbalance is created that can affect all areas of life. When the chakras are in balance, the body radiates health and we enjoy a deep sense of peace.

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    The Health Benefits Of Reiki

    Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being. It can:*

    • Bring on a meditative state.

    • Foster tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery.

    • Stimulate your body’s immune system.

    • Promote natural self-healing.

    • Relieve pain and tension.

    • Support the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and kidney dialysis.

    Studies show that reiki treatment may create feelings of:**

    • Peace.
    • Relaxation.
    • Security.
    • Wellness.
    * *source: PubMed.gov
  • Chakra Affirmations

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  • Women's Health at Intuitive Bodywork

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    Intuitive Bodywork Offers Several Therapeutic Modalities That Support Women's Health

    Just Click The Picture Or Name
    Of The Service That You Wish To Explore Below!
  • Fertility Massage

    A Safe, All-Natural Fertility Therapy, 

    Designed To Help Women Conceive.



    Benefits Of Fertility Massage

    Stress Management

    Trying to get pregnant can be a stressful experience, especially for women who are having difficulties. Stress can lead to even more difficulties, making it more difficult to conceive. One of the great benefits of Fertility Massage is that it allows for the reduction of stress, helping the body to feel more at ease to conceive. According to WebMD, "Several recent studies have found links between women’s levels of day-to-day stress and lowered chances of pregnancy. For example, women whose saliva had high levels of alpha-amylase, an enzyme that marks stress, took 29% longer to get pregnant compared to those who had less." *

    * Source: "How Stress Can Hurt Your Chances of Having a Baby," Grow by WebMD


    Functional Benefits

    • Fertility Massage is useful in decreasing scar tissue, adhesions, and tubal obstructions while increasing the function of the reproductive organs.
    • Fertility massage helps a tilted (displaced) uterus; one that is compressed by impacted intestines or is suffering from a lack of circulation caused by a sedentary or stressful lifestyle, twisted fallopian tubes, tight fascia, inflammation, scar tissue, or past surgeries.

    Additionally, Fertility Massage Is Useful In Treating:

    • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
    • Endometriosis
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Blocked fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts
    • Other medical conditions that may contribute to low fertility in women.
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    Fertility Massage Techniques

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    Fertility Massage combines a variety of techniques to support your menstrual cycle, reproductive health, digestion & fertility including:

    • Massage Therapy 
    • Deep Tissue Massage
    • Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)
    • Chi Nei Tsang (Asian organ massage)
    • Myofascial Release
    • Energy Work
    • Acupressure
    • Reflexology
    • Castor Oil Therapy 

    Fertility Massage can increase the chances of getting pregnant by stimulating the reproductive organs and regulating ovulation. Fertility massage does not have side effects and may be combined with other treatments that are used to boost fertility!

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    Can Fertility Massage Be Scheduled Any Time Of The Month? Please Read. This Is Important

    Yes ... and No. Please carefully read the information below and schedule your massage sessions accordingly. For your first fertility massage appointment, Intuitive Bodywork recommends either a 75 or 105-minute visit. This allows time for appropriate hands-on massage depending on what phase of the menstrual cycle you are in, as well as the client interview, fertility orientation, and appointment planning.

    1) General Massage for Relaxation, Stress Relief, and Wellness Care

    General, full-body massage for relaxation and stress management can be scheduled anytime during the month. While actively trying to conceive, Intuitive Bodywork recommends a 75-minute Massage Therapy + NMT session at least once a month! According to WebMD*, "Several recent studies have found links between the women’s levels of day-to-day stress and lowered chances of pregnancy. Today, researchers widely accept that stress and fertility are connected."


    2) Targeted Fertility Massage When You Are Actively Trying To Conceive

    For targeted fertility massage sessions--those sessions that are spent working primarily on the abdomen, low back, and pelvic areas--the ideal time for fertility massage is the period between the end of menstruation to the onset of ovulation only. Targeted abdominal work should not be done during menstruation or ovulation or the period between ovulation and menstruation. (See Illustration below). 45-minute sessions are ideal for this specific work.

    Menstruation-Ovulation Chart

    2) Targeted Fertility Massage When You Are Not Actively Trying To Conceive

    If you are not actively trying to conceive, targeted abdominal fertility massage can be done any time of the month except during menstruation.

    Fertility massage techniques applied to the abdomen/

    What To Expect At A Fertility Massage Session

    The Abdomen & Pelvis Are The Primary Areas Of Treatment

    Fertility Massage is a relaxing and pleasurable experience. Abdominal treatment is the focus of Fertility Massage and will be a significant part of each session. Specific fertility work may also include the low back and hips. Although abdominal work is center stage, full-body relaxation, stress management, and pain relief work are also important. Some sessions may specifically target fertility techniques to the abdomen and surrounding areas, while other sessions will focus more on relaxation or stress and pain relief massage. Longer sessions can allow sufficient time for both full-body relaxation and specific fertility treatments.  


    A typical Fertility Massage session may begin with myofascial release and energy bodywork to the abdomen, followed by specific techniques including Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Chi Nei Tsang, also applied to the abdomen. Following the abdominal treatment, the remaining areas of the body are treated with massage and bodywork depending on the goal of the session and the individual needs of the client. In practice, each session is tailored to best meet the unique needs of the client on that day. 


    You will leave the Fertility Massage session feeling relaxed, refreshed, invigorated... and accomplished!

    Woman-Looking-At-Fertility-Test Results
  • Prenatal Massage

    Massage Is Beneficial At All Stages Of Your Pregnancy &

    Is One Of The Best Things You Can Do For Yourself and Your Baby!*


    Pregnancy is a time when expectant moms experience unique physical and emotional changes that occur as a result of increased weight, changing posture, and adjusting hormone levels. As a result of these changes, discomforts including muscular tension, headaches, backaches, and neck and shoulder aches may arise.

    The Massage Room Is A Welcoming Retreat From The Stresses Of Everyday Life.

    It Is A Place Of Total Relaxation For The Body And The Mind.

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    The massage experience is a time of reflection, meditation, and renewal, allowing the mind to rest as the body is soothed. For expectant moms, this time of rest and rejuvenation spent in massage may provide benefits that extend through pregnancy and beyond. The physical, mental, and emotional benefits of massage during pregnancy are significant.


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    Prenatal Massage Is Safe And Effective Throughout Your Pregnancy

    Start Massage Early In Pregnancy For Maximum Benefits!


    In most cases, massage can be experienced throughout the entire nine-month pregnancy term, including the first trimester. If health-related complications do exist, we require a written okay from your physician or midwife and, in most cases, the massage routine can be simply modified to address the issue. Occasionally, complications of pregnancy do contraindicate massage. If you are experiencing complications during pregnancy, be sure to discuss your condition with your doctor or midwife before getting a massage.


    If Contraindications That Prevent Massage Do Exist...

    If your condition is such that you cannot receive a massage during pregnancy, you can still experience many of the same benefits with Energy Work/Reiki/Chakra Balancing! There are no contraindications for Energy Work/Reiki/Chakra Balancing.

    An Option You May Want To Consider

    Lymphatic Breast Massage in Pregnancy, Nursing, and Weaning

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    Breast Massage can be a wonderful addition to prenatal care and a source of support while nursing and weaning. The benefits of breast massage in the childbearing years include:

    • Reduced discomfort throughout the pregnancy
    • Improved skin tone
    • Increased breast milk production
    • Relief of engorgement 
    • Can unblock plugged milk glands
    • Increased drainage during breastfeeding
    • Decreased appearance of scars and stretch marks

    About Scheduling A Prenatal Massage + Lymphatic Breast Massage

    • For a full Prenatal + Breast Massage please choose the 105-minute option when scheduling.
    • Breast Massage can also be accomplished in a 75-minute session as long as there is no expectation of a full body massage. I.E. The session might be for the upper body and breasts only.
    • For specific breast issues only, a 45-minute session is also available.

    In case you are wondering...

    • Breast Massage procedures include clearing lymph in tissues surrounding the breasts.
    • Only 12 - 15 minutes are devoted to the actual breasts.
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    No Need To Suffer, Schedule Your Next Massage Now!

  • Prenatal Care Resources

    Pregnant  Woman Getting Massage In Side Laying Position

    For Quality Pregnancy & Prenatal Care Health Information! 

    Intuitive Bodywork's Patient 

    Education Library by Viva Care


    Use Intuitive-Bodywork-Search, our own custom high-quality search engine!
     Start A Custom Health Search Now!



    Learn More About Prenatal Massage By The American Pregnancy Association Read Now!



    Read Pregnancy Massage Research Articles At The US National Library of Medicine,
    National Institutes of Health (NIH) 
    Read Now!

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    Alan Jordan, Massage Therapist

    About Alan Jordan, LMT, NCTMB

    Certified Prenatal Therapist

    Touch Research Institute Study

    In 1999, I participated in a research training workshop at the Touch Research Institute (TRI) at the University of Miami School of Medicine.

    • Research studies in progress at that time included:

    • A study about the effects of massage on depressed mothers-to-be and their babies

    • A study concerning the effects of massage on premature infants

    • A study of the use of aromatherapy for infants at bath time

    I participated in all 3 studies by interviewing pregnant women, recording movements of unborn children via ultrasound, and performing the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale test on premature babies.


    For me, the highlight of the workshop was massaging Elena M., who only a few weeks earlier was born at the University of Miami weighing less than 1 pound!


    The day I "scrubbed up" and put my hands in the incubator to massage Elena, she weighed less than 2 pounds. As I touched and stroked her tiny body, chills ran through my own! I felt that I was experiencing the essence of creation itself.


    Massaging Elena was a truly phenomenal moment of my life. The TRI experience confirmed my commitment to working with pregnant women and the new life within.


    Alan Jordan

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  • Prenatal Energy Work/Reiki/Chakra Balancing

    Gentle Stress Relieving, Rejuvenating, Nurturing Touch For Mother And Baby

    Pregnant Woman Recieving Reiki, Energy Work and Chakra Balancing

    Energy Work Helps Achieve Whole Body Relaxation. Energy Work Removes Subtle Energy Blockages,

    Allowing Energy To Move & Helping Pregnant Moms Cope With Their Changing Bodies.


    A Recent Study At Hartford Hospital Showed ThatReiki(Energy Work) During Pregnancy:

    • Reduced Anxiety By 94 Percent
    • Reduced Nausea By 80 Percent
    • Reduced Pain By 78 Percent
    • Improved Sleep By 86 Percent

    Energy Work is gentle, calming and relaxing, benefiting both the mother & unborn child. 

    Energy Work helps to boost the immune system, release toxins from the body, calms the mind and emotions and helps to restore harmony and balance to the mother-to-be.

    The 7 Chakras Illustration

    Prenatal Energy Work Uses Safe, Gentle Meditative Touch to Convey Universal Life Force Energy (Qi) And Bring Balance To The Subtle Energy Systems Of The Body. Prenatal Energy Work Is Safe During All Stages Of Pregnancy And In All States Of Heath, Even In A High-Risk Pregnancy!


    Benefits Of Prenatal Energy Work/Reiki/Chakra Balancingg

    • Brings Grounding & Balance to the Body, Mind and Spirit

    • Provides Deep Relaxation and Calm

    • Reduces Stress

    • Alleviates Anxiety

    • Restores Calm

    • Alleviates Nausea

    • Helps Manage Pain

    • Reduces Exhaustion

    • Helps to Release Fear Surrounding Pregnancy, Labor, Childbirth, 

    • Helps to Strengthen the Connection Between Mother and Baby

    • Supports Good Health During Pregnancy and Childbirth

    Pregnant Woman With Happy Sunshine Painted On Belly

    Pregnancy Is A Wonderful Time To Enjoy The Benefits Of Energy Work.

    In early pregnancy, Energy Work can reduce many of the common discomforts of pregnancy such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and promote relaxation. Throughout pregnancy, Energy Work provids relief as the mother’s body grows and changes, and can address issues such as lower back pain, tension in the neck and shoulders, and insomnia.


    On a mental and emotional level, Energy Work can ease anxiety and fear in a woman who is unsure of herself and her body as childbirth approaches or who worries about motherhood. Relieved of some of the physical and emotional discomforts of pregnancy, the expectant mom will sleep more soundly and feel more relaxed, positive and connected with her baby.

    Pregnant-Woman-with-the -7-Chakras-superimposed

    When The Chakras Are Open and Aligned, Our Energy Is Constantly Free-flowing, 

    Allowing Life Force Energy To Flow Through Them.

    Woman Receiving Prenatal Massage And-Energy-Work In A Side-Laying-Position

    For The Ultimate Prenatal Massage & Bodywork Experience, 

    Combine Prenatal Massage And Energy Work In A Single Visit!



    Click Here To Schedule Your Prenatal Massage, Prenatal Energy Work, Or

    Prenatal Energy Work + Massage Therapy Custom Combo Package Now!

  • Image of Pregnant Woman Ready For Birth

    Labor Induction Massage

    This Section Coming Soon / 4/18/2022

  • Restorative & Rejuvenating Care For The New Mom!

    Postnatal Massage


    Are You A New Mom? Let's Be Real...

    You Could Really Use A Good Massage Right Now

    Even if you are not as frazzled as the new mom in the picture, there are a ton of reasons to schedule your next massage soon. Pregnancy can be a long and stressful time for your body and your mind. There is nothing better than a massage to help you relax, rejuvenate and get your body back in shape!


    Benefits of Postnatal Massage

    • Abdominal massage helps the uterus to recover 

    • Helps manage the stress of being a new mom 

    • Improves stability, posture, and coordination 

    • Helps you return to your pre-pregnancy body 

    • Helps in dealing with postpartum blues and depression 

    • Helps manage anxiety 

    • Promotes better sleep 

    • Helps to soften and may reduce scar tissue and stretch marks

    • Helps to relieve pregnancy-related and other aches &  pains  

    • Improves postpartum hormone balance

    • Postnatal Lymphatic Breast Massage has been shown to increase the lactation hormone prolactin, which increases milk production. 

    • Lymphatic Breast Massage triggers the production of oxytocin which causes the ‘letdown’ reflex thereby stimulating the release of breast milk. 

    • Lymphatic Breast Massage helps to prevent mastitis, the bacterial infection caused by a blocked milk duct in the breast.

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    Restore Balance! Schedule Your Postnatal Massage Visit Now.

  • Lymphatic Breast Massage

    Presentation by Alan Jordan

  • Lymphatic Breast MaSSAGE


    All-Natural Breast Health & Wellness Care That Works

    Male Massage Therapist Performing Lymphatic Breast Massage

    Lymphatic Breast Massage assists in promoting healthy breast tissue.

    Lymphatic Breast Massage Is Amazing! Breast Massage helps to reduce fibroids and cysts and relieves the pain and discomfort associated with PMS or compression from bras. This work helps to relieve pain and tension from stress in the muscles of the chest wall and assists in healthy tissue regeneration and scar reduction following surgery. According to Medical News Today, "Breast massage may help detect breast cancer, support lymphatic drainage, and relieve pain from breastfeeding."


    While some women seek breast massage for relief from pain and tenderness or for treatment of a variety of medical conditions, others are interested in pro-active preventative breast health care. Many women feel that breasts are a natural part of their body that should not be ignored.

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     Benefits Of Lymphatic Breast Massage

    Therapeutic Benefits

    • Helps relieve chest & breast pain & tenderness due to surgeries, traumas, or underlying muscle pain

    • Helps relieve discomfort due to hormonal changes (PMS)

    • Helps to reduce or resolve fibrocystic tissue, cysts, and other benign conditions

    • Helps maintain good posture by opening the chest and providing a more supple, lighter feeling

    • Increases blood circulation And lymph drainage, thereby removing metabolic waste products,  while supplying freshly oxygenated blood and nutrition to breast tissues 

    • Supports better breathing by relieving muscle tightness and tension in the ribcage 

    • Helps Relieve neck, shoulder, and back tension related to having larger, heavier breasts

    • Following surgery, Breast Massage speeds healing and lessens scar formation

    • Following breast implant surgery, Lymphatic Breast Massage can play a critical role in the prevention of capsular contracture. 

    • Helps to manage lymphedema in breast cancer patients

    • Another set of trained hands may help detect any abnormality in the breast tissue 

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    Prenatal, Postnatal & Weaning Benefits

    Breast Massage can be a wonderful addition to prenatal care, especially in the first trimester when breast tenderness is most pronounced. Breast Massage also provides a source of support while preparing to breastfeed and while nursing or weaning. Pre and postnatal breast massage benefits include:

    • Reduced discomfort throughout the pregnancy

    • Improved skin tone

    • Increased breast milk production

    • Relief of engorgement 

    • Can unblock plugged milk glands

    • Increased drainage during breastfeeding

    • Decreased appearance of scars and stretch marks

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    ​Emotional Healing & Connection

    • Helps to release oxytocin, a feel-good hormone that is also released in breastfeeding and hugging, thereby helping to relieve stress

    • Fosters self-awareness, helping us to get in touch with and appreciate our breasts as a normal and natural part of our bodies 

    • Breasts are associated with the heart chakra—the 4th chakra, the chakra of self-love—they are a place where the spiritual and the physical meet. Breast massage is thought to help open the heart. 

    • Breast massage can play an important role in healing and recovery from past traumas and abuse

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    Aesthetic bENEFITS OF lymphatic Breast Massage

    • Decreased appearance of scars and stretch marks 

    • Improved skin texture and tone 

    • Regular breast massage promotes perky, full breasts and prevents sagging as it tightens and tones the tendons and muscles of the breasts.

    Famale Breast Anatomy Image

    aBOUT My Journey To Learn, Develop And Teach Lymphatic Breast Massage

    by alan jordan

    In addition to offering Lymphatic Breast Massage in my private massage therapy practice, I have taught Lymphatic Breast Massage at continuing education (CE) seminars, at massage therapy conferences, and in massage therapy schools for over 20 years.


    I first learned of Lymphatic Breast Massage while attending an American Massage Therapy Association Council of Schools(AMTA) (COS) annual conference in 1999. Then COS president Debra Curties, RMT, led a presentation about why breast massage should be included in massage therapy school curriculums. In addition to being the COS President,  Debra was Executive Director of the Sutherland-Chan School of Massage in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and had recently authored the book Breast MassageDebra's presentation was enlightening.  I learned about the significant health benefits of Breast Massage.  I learned about how teaching breast massage to students not only equipped them with a valuable modality for their practice but also significantly increased their palpatory skills, ethical boundaries, and confidence.  Debra's presentation sparked a thirst in me and other conference attendees from my school to learn more. 


    Shortly after attending the COS conference, the decision was made to include Lymphatic Breast Massage in our school's curriculum. I was asked to develop and co-teach the program. My teaching partner and I began studying breast anatomy, physiology, pathology, wellness care, breast massage, and more. In addition to avid independent study, we traveled to Canada to learn with Debra Curties. In Columbus, Ohio, we studied Lymphatic Breast Care with Dr. Bruno Chickley, MD, and then I studied Massage for Breast Health with Susanrachel Condon at the Swedish Institute of Massage in New York City. We developed the Lymphatic Breast Massage curriculum and began teaching the course at our school, Tennessee Institute of Healing Arts in Chattanooga, TN. The program was immediately successful and achieved all the objectives for which we had hoped.

    Alan Jordan, LMT, NCTMB
  • Lymphatic Breast Massage

    The Process

    Image Illustrating Informed Consent

    Breast Massage Is Never Automatically Included In Any Massage Therapy Or Bodywork Session. Before Proceeding With Lymphatic Breast Massage The Following Steps Must Occur:

    • You request a Lymphatic Breast Massage or indicate that you would like to learn more about or discuss lymphatic breast massage.
    • We discuss Lymphatic Breast Massage including the expected benefits of the work, the treatment protocol,  massage procedures, and draping options.
    • You complete and sign the Breast Massage Addendum which includes a Breast Health Intake Form and Acknowledgement of Informed Consent.

    Scheduling Your Lymphatic Breast Massage Session

    As a specific treatment, Lymphatic Breast Massage includes some massage on the upper back, ribs, neck, and abdomen and is a 45-minute session. 
    Breast massage may also be incorporated into a full Massage Therapy + Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), Prenatal or Postnatal Massage session using the 105-minute session option.
    For the ultimate massage therapy and bodywork experience, try a Women's Health or Prenatal Custom Combo that includes Lymphatic Breast Massage! Options Include:

    Women's Health Custom Combo's

    • Massage Therapy (75min) + Energy Work (45min) + Lymphatic Breast Massage, (15min), $155.00
    • Massage Therapy (75min) + Energy Work (45min) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15min) + Aromatherapy, $170.00

    Prenatal Custom Combos

    • Prenatal Massage (75 min) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 min), $105.00
    • Prenatal Massage (105 min) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 min), $135.00
    • Prenatal Massage (75 min) + Energy Work (45 min), $135.00
    • Prenatal Massage (75 min) + Energy Work (45 min) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 min), $155.00
    Woman Gettins A Massage in Supine Position

    Breast Massage Draping

    When working with breast tissue, you have the options of being undraped, undraping one breast at a time, or full draping. No draping is generally the best option as it allows for a full visual inspection of breast variances that may need to be addressed, allows for more complete work, and avoids possible nipple chafing as breasts move under the sheet.
    Most women who were concerned about awkwardness before having undraped breast massage, report that any reservations disappeared when the treatment began. However, you always are welcome to choose partial or complete draping if you wish. As with any massage procedure, you may change your mind at any time!
  • Custom Combos!

    Combine Multiple Services In A Single Visit For The

    Ultimate Massage Therapy & Bodywork Experience!

    Custom Combos are the perfect way to combine multiple services in a single session for the ultimate massage therapy and bodywork experience! Heal the body, calm the mind, and refresh the spirit.
    You can choose from our wide selection of Custom Combo services below, including sessions that combine Massage Therapy + Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), Energy Work/ Reiki/ Chakra Balancing, and Aromatherapy, as well as those targeting Women's Health and Prenatal Care.


    Inspirational Motivation quote fall in love with taking care of yourself.
  • Custom Combos For Everyone

    Woman Laying Supine On Massage Table

    75 Minutes of Massage Therapy + 45 Minutes of Energy Work/Reiki/Chakra Balancing,  2 Hours Total Session, $135.00

    My Most Popular Combo!

    Smiling Woman Getting Massage From Male Therapist

    Massage Therapy (75 Minutes) +  Energy Work/Reiki/Chakra Balancing (45 Minutes) + Aromatherapy, 2 Hours Total Session, $150.00

    Women's Health Custom Combos

    Woman With Outstretched Arms

    Massage Therapy (90 minutes) + Lymphatic Breast Massage, (15 minutes). 1.75 Hours Total Session, Price $115.00

    Image of Woman In Yoga Position With Superimposed Chakras

    Massage Therapy (75 minutes) + Energy Work (45 minutes) + Lymphatic Breast Massage, (15 minutes). 2.25 Hours Total Session, Price $150.00

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    Massage Therapy (75 minutes) + Energy Work (45 minutes) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 minutes) + Aromatherapy. 2.25 Hours Total Session, Price $165.00

    3-D illustration of female reproductive system with the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tube.

    Women's Reproductive Combo 

    Lymphatic Breast Massage, Including Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage (45 minutes) + Fertility Massage (45 Minutes). 1.5 Hours Total Session, Price $105.00

    Woman On Massage Table

    Women's Total Health Combo 1

    Full Body Massage Therapy + Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)  (75 Minutes) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 Minutes) + Fertility Massage (45 Minutes). 2,25 Hours Total Session, Price $165.00

    Woman Getting Abdominal Massage

    Women's Total Health Combo 2

    Whole Body Massage Therapy + Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)  (75 Minutes) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 Minutes) + Fertility Massage (45 Minutes) + Aromatherapy. 2.25 Hours Total Session, Price $180.00

    Happy Woman Getting A Custom Combo Massage

    Women's Ultimate Health Combo 

    Whole Body Massage Therapy + Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)  (75 Minutes) + Energy Work/Reiki/Chakra Balancing (45 Minutes) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 Minutes) + Fertility Massage (45 Minutes) + Aromatherapy. 3 Hours Total Session, Price $210.00

    Prenatal Custom Combos

    Prenatal Massage Custom Combo at Intuitive bodywork

    Prenatal Massage (90 minutes) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 minutes). 105 Minutes Total Session, Price $115.00


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    Prenatal Massage (75 minutes) + Energy Work (45 minutes). 2 Hours Total Session, Price $135.00

    Pregnant Woman Getting A Back Massage

    Ultimate Prenatal Combo


    Prenatal Massage (75 minutes) + Energy Work (45 minutes) + Lymphatic Breast Massage (15 minutes). 2.25 Hours Total Session, Price $155.00

  • Contact Us

    You + Intuitive Bodywork = Awesome.

    337 Bridge Street,Intuitive Bodywork Massage Therapy, New Cumberland, PA 17070
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    "The body is a sacred garment. It's your first and last garment; it is what you enter life in and what you depart life with, and it should be treated with honor."

    --Martha Graham